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WHY PEOPLE FAIL JAMB Hi friends welcome to a place were you can get the right information at the right time, here every thing is done right we are out to make a positive change to the society. Now here is a post titled why many fail JAMB, yes you got it right, why many fail JAMB. you may be wondering why i chose to make this writ-up but the fact still remains that there are certain things that we do wrong they affect us but we still continue doing it out of ignorance. Now let me start by asking this questions, 1. how many do seat back and reason out why they fail? 2. How many seat back to plan before embarking into one activity or the other? believe me when i say out of 100 you can only find about 15 that actually take the above questions into consideration. Remember we are talking about why people fail JAMB and not only JAMB also in other aspect of life. now lets get to the main point, and below are some of the reasons. 1. Your believe 2. Your source...
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