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Courses You Should Avoid/Be Careful With In UNN:

Am going to list down some departments in UNN you should clean your eyes very well if you want to go there or plan to change to them, you should just be ready or you will end up regretting why you make such choice.
One of the mistakes students make in their academic pursuit starts with the choice of course or department they choose in Jamb. Some people will use their hands and drag themselves into a hot fire which they will start regretting or saying "if I had known" later but by then, its already late. Some people choose course because their friends choose the course, some choose it because of the way the name sounds, some just choose without asking questions, some choose because maybe its easy to enter, etc.
I always hear students saying "I shouldn't have gotten myself into this department that I am if I knew this department is like this"
There are also so many students who are just "flowing" students. Flowing students are those students who are in a particular department but are frustrated there, some are in 3rd year but technically, they are in first year, some forced themselves to change but the changing didn't click and they started flowing, some are forced to leave the department by the department and they started flowing everywhere with no where to belong.
Before you choose some departments or plan to change to some departments, make sure you know the department very well.
-There are departments that will frustrate you in UNN because of the nature of their staff. They are good in seeing students fail or have problem. They will always find a way to make sure things are so tough and hard for you in that department. Never try to have any problem there because you will see hell if you do. The problem with these departments is because of the nature of their staff.
Such departments are:
* Computer science
* Statistics
* Mathematics
* Geology
* Computer/Stat (Combined)
* Microbilogy
* Psychology
- There are departments that are frustrating due to the nature of the department. They have what is called "Prerequisite"
Prerequisite in UNN means a condition for you to do another course or go to another level. There are some courses you won't be allowed to register them if you don't pass their prerequisite, that is; before you are allowed to register or do the part of that course in second year, you must pass the first year part, before you are allowed to do the 3rd year part of the course, you must pass the first and second year part of the course and so on. If you fail the first year part, you won't be allowed to register the 2nd year part and that means an automatic extra year; you won't graduate with your mate. If you mistakenly fail the first year and second year parts, it means 2 extra years and so on. Such prerequisite are found in the following departments:
* Pure And Industrial Chemistry
* Pharmacy
- There are some departments that when you fail to certain point, you will be asked to leave the department. So, if you are not ready to bend down and read your books, don't try to enter such courses:
They include:
* Medical courses
* Veterinary medicine
* Pharmacy
Always drop your questions as comments



  1. Ma'am or sir, this story is based on fallacy of hasty generalisation, yes I agree that school is hard but I do not agree with the fact that you are misinforming the general public about so called 'flowing students'. I am a student from the department of geology (that you red-listed) and I know for a fact that if you work hard, you can't have a problem even if the entire witches in your village gather on your case... Please do not spread rumours like these as they tend to tarnish not only the image of UNN but also kills the motivation of prospective students, though it may be possible that there may be some very bad things happening in these departments but I know, beyond every reasonable and unreasonable doubt that this story just a fairy tale.

  2. It's natural for one to defend his or her department but the truth remains, the above writ-up remains true, if not how do you explain why students in the above mentioned departments change after some years?

  3. Students change department even in the so called easy departments in this school, anybody telling you that he/she is changing because of the lecturers are 'evil' is just deceiving him/herself. My department no dey pay me jobs so defending them is not my priority, rather am interested in defending what is true and obtainable in reality and a still stand on my notion that nothing like a hard department... Anybody having problems with his department should go n read his book biko

    1. Do you really believe that does student do not read their books?


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